Issue - meetings

Herefordshire Multi- Agency Protocol for Children and Young People with Disabilities and Complex Needs - Preparing for Adulthood

Meeting: 23/07/2020 - Cabinet (Item 166)

166 Herefordshire Multi - Agency Protocol for Children and Young People with Disabilities and Complex Needs - Preparing for Adulthood pdf icon PDF 236 KB

To agree the revised content of the Herefordshire Multi - Agency Protocol for Children and Young People with Disabilities and Complex Needs - Preparing for Adulthood on behalf of Herefordshire Council services.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member children and families introduced the report and explained that the council wanted to ensure that young people with disabilities and complex needs had the maximum choice over their futures.


In discussing the report cabinet members raised the following key points:

·         The protocol was an important document and this approach was a step forward in dealing with families differently;

·         A smooth transition to adulthood was important;

·         The equality and diversity statement was commended;

·         The protocol would be kept under review;

·         The children and adult teams worked closely together to produce this protocol and work was continuing to align processes beneath this protocol.


Group leaders were invited to express the views and queries of their group. The following points were noted:

·         The importance of the protocol was recognised;

·         Typographical corrections were needed for the final version of the protocol;

·         It was suggested that the first paragraph under decision-making on page 9 of the policy could be better worded;

·         It was suggested that the sections on resource panels and quality and monitoring on page 11 should better set out what was going to happen;

·         The employment rate was very low and support to improve this was welcomed.


The chair of the children and young people scrutiny committee stated that employment, training and further education was always a challenge for this group of young people and would be made more so with the impact of Covid-19. It was particularly important for this group to have access to leisure and social activities with their peer groups although that might be difficult to deliver for the foreseeable future.


It was agreed to:


(a)  Approve the Herefordshire Multi - Agency Protocol for Children and Young People with Disabilities and Complex Needs - Preparing for Adulthood;  

(b)  Delegate the responsibility for reviewing and technical updating of the Protocol to the Head of Additional Needs.