Issue - meetings

Leader's report to Council

Meeting: 12/07/2019 - Council (Item 20)


To receive a report from the leader on the activities of the executive (cabinet) since the meeting of Council on 8 March 2019.

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Council received a report from Leader setting out the work of the cabinet since the previous meeting of Council on 8 March. The Leader introduced his report and updated the meeting on a forthcoming decision which would be taken by the cabinet member for infrastructure and transport on the future of large infrastructure schemes in Herefordshire. It was recognised that transport infrastructure in Herefordshire elicited strongly held views and since the elections the cabinet had been reflecting on the schemes currently in progress. An update on a meeting with Jesse Norman MP was provided which included discussions on care, children and roads. The Leader outlined a change to the cabinet portfolios and explained that governance arrangements were being reviewed to look at methods of ensuring that new councillors would have a greater awareness of developments at the council.


The Leader was asked the following questions:


·         It was asked what the true cost of cancelling the bypass would be to Herefordshire. The Leader replied to explain that he was mindful of the expense incurred to date. It was important that costs also take account of impacts on the environment and employment.

·         The importance of the Leader’s report containing all the detail to be discussed at a meeting was emphasised. The Leader explained that the new administration had been elected on a commitment to be more open and would be more outward looking.

·         The number of local partners whom the Leader had met was queried and whether he had met the leaders of Powys, Shropshire or Telford Council and the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership. The Leader explained that he had not met those individuals but would do so in due course.

·         It was queried whether the chief executive’s objectives could include a priority to achieve high levels of staff and customer satisfaction. The Leader confirmed that the inclusion would be investigated.

·         The Leader was asked whether the location of his place of residence and its proximity to the red route of the Western bypass meant he should report himself to the standards board. The redaction of the Leader’s address from his register of interests was queried. The solicitor to the council explained that the redaction of personal interests on the register of interests form was permitted if there were sensitive circumstances but that did not mean that a member did not hold the interest.

·         The importance of Herefordshire Council retaining its independence and being able to provide services in the future was raised. The Leader was asked to ensure that any alternative to the bypass would have the same beneficial economic impact as the proposal in the current core strategy. The Leader confirmed that this was a factor that needed to be considered in the debate over the future of infrastructure in the county.

·         The Leader was asked how members would be involved in shaping the future governance arrangements at the Council. The Leader confirmed that options on how to proceed with reviews of potential future governance arrangements were being considered including  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20