Issue - meetings
Future arrangements and priorities for the joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA)
Meeting: 05/03/2019 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 175)
175 Future arrangements and priorities for the joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) PDF 93 KB
To agree future arrangements for the delivery of, and outputs from, Herefordshire's joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA).
The consultant in public health summarised the proposed changes to the JSNA process and outputs as follows:
a. One of the statutory functions of the health and wellbeing board was to produce a JSNA of the health and wellbeing needs of Herefordshire and its residents.
b. The current approach included the production of a summary report which was refreshed every year and published on the ‘Facts and Figures about Herefordshire’ website.
c. It was proposed that the annual document be replaced with a summary report every three years and the JSNA be repositioned as a live resource, supported by quarterly intelligence bulletins.
d. As there had not been time to consider priorities during a board member workshop, it was suggested that the identification of priorities for analysis and understanding for 2019/20 and beyond be delegated to a workshop involving partner organisations.
The consultant in public health and the intelligence unit team leader responded to questions, the key points included:
1. Population health profiles would form part of the JSNA resource and work was being undertaken on smaller, locality profiles.
2. The ‘Facts and Figures about Herefordshire’ website would be rebranded ‘Understanding Herefordshire: people and places’ to reinforce its repositioning as the JSNA and evidence base hub.
3. The current annual report was resource intensive to produce and many strategic indicators did not change significantly year-on-year. The revised approach would enable greater focus on the analysis and understanding of the data, in a more real-time way.
4. Different boards took different approaches, but it was considered that the new arrangements would complement the focus on localities and assets.
5. It was anticipated that the changes would release some capacity in the team, potentially to support discrete pieces of work going forward.
6. Jo-anne Alner expressed her appreciation for the frailty integrated care pathway. It was confirmed that such documents would still be produced, with the director of public health adding that there would be opportunities for other organisations to upload documents to the website, subject to quality assurance. It was noted that the new JSNA Delivery Group would comprise those responsible for the production of evidence and intelligence across the whole system.
Resolved: That
(a) The proposed move to a three-yearly summary, supplemented by a live JSNA in the form of the new Understanding Herefordshire website and quarterly bulletins, be approved;
(b) The key areas for analysis and intelligence for the 2019/20 JSNA be delegated to a workshop involving partner organisations and the outputs be circulated to board members; and
(c) The director of public health be authorised, following consultation with the CCG chief officer and relevant cabinet members, to determine in-year changes to the key areas for analysis and intelligence.