Issue - meetings

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018-21

Meeting: 15/05/2018 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 158)

158 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018-21 pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To approve the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2018-2021.


Additional documents:


The Director of public health explained that it was a function of the health and wellbeing board to publish the pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA), which was intended to inform the strategic planning for pharmaceutic services. She reported that there were no significant changes from the previous needs assessment published in 2015 but it was important to ensure the information was up to date, and as highlighted by the JSNA, it was important to consider the issue of digital exclusion when looking at developing digital services.  


The Director of public health summarised the main points that:

·         Both the 2015 and the 2018 PNAs had found that there was adequate provision of pharmaceutical services including adequate provision of a ‘flu vaccination service and no reduction in provision of emergency contraception, stop smoking and needle exchange services

·          Adequate provision of pharmaceutical services would need to take into account the future housing supply

·         The role of pharmacist was key in terms of what could be offered around responding to the health and wellbeing board’s priorities, minor illnesses and reducing demand on other services, and so there was work underway with the CCG on how to take this forward.




That the2018-2021 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment be approved for NHS and public health commissioners to implement.