Issue - meetings

Council constitution

Meeting: 29/11/2017 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 251)

251 Council constitution pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To consider how to undertake the 2018 annual review of the constitution.


Additional documents:


The meeting reconvened at 16:10.


The solicitor to the council presented the report.   


It was noted that it was important to have a system in place for reviewing the constitution and it was being recommended to the committee that a survey attached at appendix 1 be sent to all members for completion.   The recommendation was for a working group be set up to conduct the review and then make recommendations for consideration by the committee. 


During the discussion, it was agreed:


·         That a working group be set up which was politically representative and the previous members of the constitution working group be invited and other member volunteers.   Councillors Chappell, Newman and Harvey agreed to be part of the group

·         The working group consider whether officers and members of the public be consulted over the way the new constitution was working.

·         That a meeting of the working group be arranged for December. 

·         That the working group act as a consultee on the employee code of conduct.  It was noted that whilst the employee code of conduct formed part of the constitution, the responsibility for approval sat with the chief executive as head of paid service. 

·         The words “light touch” be removed from the proposed terms of reference at paragraph 4 of the report.






(a)     The questionnaire in appendix 1 is approved for circulation to all members;

(b)     A constitution working group be established with terms of reference as set out in paragraph 4 as amended during the meeting (with light touch being removed) to consider any revised changes to the constitution;

(c)     That a working group be established with membership as set out in the meeting.