Issue - meetings

Publication of annual reports for adults and wellbeing 2016

Meeting: 09/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 77)

77 Publication of annual reports for adults and wellbeing 2016 pdf icon PDF 327 KB

To note the publication of key and statutory annual reports for the adults and wellbeing directorate and provide comment on the work of the directorate. The reports covered are:

·         Adults Wellbeing Plan 2017-2020;

·         Adult Social Care Local Account 2016;

·         Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2016;

·         Public Health Plan 2017-2020; and

·         Market Position Statement 2017-2020.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member for health and wellbeing introduced the report. She noted that a suite of documents had been produced which showed how the adults and wellbeing directorate was delivering services. Some of the reports set out background information while others showed the direction of travel. The documents would provide a framework for future work and set the context for discussions with council partners.


In response to a question the director of public health stated that the suite of documents supported the plans already approved by the cabinet for delivery of services in the future. The documents set out where public health could play a part in these services.


In response to a query from a cabinet support member the director of public health explained that the lifestyle trainer service included a number of different elements and that the cost of the team overall was £198k.


The cabinet member for infrastructure commented that while the figures in the documents had previously been reported it was useful to have all the information pulled into one place. Members had had an input to and the opportunity to comment on the information in the documents.


The cabinet member for young people and children’s wellbeing noted that the percentage of children achieving a good level of development at the end of foundation stage had improved significantly and now stood at 72%. This was above the England average. This improvement would allow for future targeting of resources to those who were more disadvantaged. The cabinet member also noted that the dental health of children in Herefordshire was disappointingly poor and an area for improvement.


The director for adults and wellbeing commented that the adults and wellbeing directorate was in a very different place compared to three or four years previously. Around three quarters of authorities were expected to overspend on their adult social care budget for 2016/17. Herefordshire was expecting a relatively small overspend and there was a chance that this would be eliminated by the end of the year. The documents produced showed a clear picture which would be used in dialogue with partner organisations and when the council needed to take difficult decisions on commissioning of services.


Resolved that:


(a)  the following be approved for publication:

·         annual report of the director of public health 2016

·         adult social care local account 2015/2016

·         market position statement 2017/20


(b)  the following plans be approved and used to guide resource allocation over the period 2017/2020:

·         adults wellbeing plan 2017/20

·         public health plan 2017/18