Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Understanding Herefordshire: including the joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) 2016 pdf icon PDF 305 KB

To receive the annual update of Understanding Herefordshire including the JSNA, and to consider the implications of key findings for the determination of future policy and decision-making.

Additional documents:


Cabinet received the annual update of Understanding Herefordshire including the JSNA.


The cabinet member reported that the document was the responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board, and that the board had agreed a robust management arrangement in order to ensure that the intelligence was used to the fullest extent.


In reply to a member, the director of adult’s wellbeing said that the statement in the presentation that migration was the sole driver of population referred to population growth, rather than any change in the population structure.


He went on to say that the statement that Bromyard had fallen into the bottom deprivation quartile represented a reflection that other areas were becoming less deprived more quickly rather than an absolute decline for Bromyard.






(a)  the 2016 Understanding Herefordshire JSNA 2016 summary report be noted; 


(b)  having regard to the key issues identified for Herefordshire, and any specific priorities cabinet wish to highlight, the directors for adults and wellbeing, children’s wellbeing and economy, communities and corporate be requested to ensure that, as they review current policies and strategies and develop new policies and strategies, ensure that these have full regard to identifying the most effective ways to assist in addressing the challenges identified within Understanding Herefordshire; and;


(c)  the evidence base provided by Understanding Herefordshire continue to be used to inform future decision-making.