Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 One Herefordshire and the Herefordshire and Worcestershire sustainability and transformation plan pdf icon PDF 221 KB

This report provides an update on the One Herefordshire programme and the Herefordshire and Worcestershire sustainability and transformation plan (STP) submission and seeks the support of Cabinet for the strategic direction to be followed.


Cabinet received an updated report on the One Herefordshire programme and the Herefordshire and Worcestershire sustainability and transformation plan (STP) submission.  The following areas were highlighted:


·         The One Herefordshire programme provided a framework for whole system leadership and collaboration which would enable system wide strategic direction and delivery mechanism to deliver the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Children and Young People’s Plan. It would enable the council to engage with wider public sector partners in a co-ordinated manner to increase efficiency and value for money.


·         Exploring joint commissioning arrangements with the CCG represented an opportunity to improve the efficiency and impact of the council’s commissioning function alongside that of the NHS, to provider better value for money.


·         The STP process was intended to provide the central vehicle through which local government and the NHS can work together in order to achieve the ‘triple aim’ of improving the health and wellbeing of the local population, improving the quality and safety of care delivery and securing ongoing financial sustainability.  It was expected that the STP process would be merged with the requirement for all areas in the country to produce a plan for the full integration of health and social care by 2020.


In reply to questions from a Group Leader, the director of adult’s wellbeing said:


·         That the recommendation before cabinet was for the chief executive to lead the initiative because it had implications not only for adults, but also for children’s wellbeing.


·         That the intention was to put pressure on the NHS to recognise the value of the triple aim philosophy of improving local health and wellbeing; the quality and safety of care delivery and securing ongoing financial sustainability. Local government was the greater contributor in this area than the NHS, as it was responsible for areas such as housing and green spaces.


·         That the phased three year process would allow for a gradual implementation and help ensure that there was a change in attitudes presently embedded in the cultures of the organisations involved.






(a)       the strategic direction of the One Herefordshire programme and of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire STP both be supported;


(b)       the chief executive be tasked with exploring joint commissioning arrangements with Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), as outlined at paragraphs 14-18 and bringing back proposals for decision;


(c)       the chief executive be authorised to enter into such non legally binding agreements on behalf of the council as may be appropriate to support the development of the One Herefordshire partnership, including potentially forming a shadow strategic alliance between the council, Herefordshire CCG, Wye Valley NHS Trust, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust and Taurus Healthcare, with links to the voluntary and community sector (VCS), and to provide updates on progress as part of future corporate performance reports.