Issue - meetings

Communications Strategy for the period 2016-2019

Meeting: 21/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 Communications Strategy for the period 2016-2019 pdf icon PDF 417 KB

To approve the communications strategy with associated communication protocols for the period 2016-2019.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member economy and corporate services introduced a report on the proposed communications strategy for the period 2016-2019. He noted that it built on the previous strategy. The aims of the strategy were to maximise engagement with residents and businesses, provide support for officers and members and to promote the key council messages.


In response to a question the cabinet member economy and corporate services confirmed the rebranding would be carried out in a cost efficient way.


The communications manager confirmed that the council logo would remain largely the same, with adjustments to facilitate increased digital use. She went on to say that the shift to the new branding would happen gradually which would help minimise costs.


With reference to the proposed new advertising and sponsorship protocols, a group leader queried which third parties were currently advertising with the council and how much revenue this brought in. The communications manager stated that nothing specific was in place for digital platforms at present, but that this was an area for future development.  The cabinet member economy and corporate services stated that a number of third parties already advertised via the council in other ways, for example on signage on roundabouts and on the rear of parking tickets. He stated that full details could be provided in writing.


A group leader stated that he was pleased to see the improvements that had been made following feedback from the general overview and scrutiny committee.


In response to a query from a group leader the solicitor to the council confirmed that the constitutional review would seek to clarify what is meant by ‘the council’ in the various contexts in which it is used in communications.


In response to a question from a group leader the communication manager stated that research into the approach of other councils had been carried out ahead of the strategy review and that the document now proposed included similar headings to those used by other councils.






a)    the communications strategy 2016 to 2019 at appendix 1 to the report be approved; and

b)    the accompanying communication protocols at appendix 2 be approved.