Issue - meetings

Approval of strategic housing documents

Meeting: 10/03/2016 - Cabinet (Item 140)

140 Approval of strategic housing documents pdf icon PDF 266 KB

To approve the housing strategy for Herefordshire, the homelessness prevention review and strategy, the allocations policy and the tenancy strategy.

Additional documents:


The joint commissioning manager provided cabinet with an overview of the strategic housing documents.


In response to questions from members in attendance, the following points were noted:


·         That whilst the numbers on the Housing Register had fallen from 5000 to 500, they currently stood at 1,160.


·         That there was a strict view taken on provision of housing for those with local connections.  Changes to policy had been driven by case law in this area which meant that those with no local connections were now given a low priority on the list.  This also applied to those not living in the county but with the offer of a job in Herefordshire. 


·         It was unclear as to where the 4000 people who had previously been on the register were now, but some who were being re-introduced to the housing register had some housing needs.


·         That bed and breakfast accommodation had not been used since November 2012 and it was hoped that there would be no recourse to this position.  It was expected, however, that more people would present as homeless.


·         That the Syrian refugees that the county had offered to house would not have an impact on the housing register, as they would be placed by central government with private landlords.


Resolved that:


(a)          the allocations policy for Herefordshire 2016 (at appendix 1 to this report) be approved;

(b)          the homelessness review and prevention strategy for 2016 to 2020 (at appendix 2 to this report) be approved; and;

(c)          the interim housing strategy for 2016 to 2020, incorporating the tenancy strategy for 2016 to 2020 (at appendix 3 to this report) be approved.