Issue - meetings

Quarter 3 corporate performance and budget report 2015/16

Meeting: 11/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 133)

133 Quarter 3 corporate performance and budget report 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 335 KB

To invite cabinet members to consider performance for the first three quarters of 2015/16 and the projected budget outturn for the year.

Additional documents:


It was noted that timetable for adoption of the local transport plan had been amended and, having been considered recently by the general overview and scrutiny committee, the plan would be considered by cabinet and council later in the spring.

The director of resources noted the positive predictions of delivering a balanced budget overall.


In response to queries by members in attendance the following points were made:

·         Overspend in children’s wellbeing was confirmed as being approximately £1.9m

·         The management of change budget was underspent because of action undertaken to minimise severance costs

·         The recommendations of the report did not have a community impact.

·         The rate of council tax collection provided was year to date not end year position; the collection rate was holding up but it was noted that in relation to business rates if appeals were successful payments were backdated for up to six years

·         The current case management system used by social care was being upgraded to the latest version (MOSAIC) and therefore work on updating the existing system (Frameworki) had been halted

·         An update on progress in delivering the broadband strategy was provided

·         The director of resources would provide written confirmation of the spend profile on the link road since January 2015 to Councillor Mathews

·         A briefing note had been provided to all members on the one-off £4.4m grant funding which had been announced in the final settlement and, in accordance with the resolution of Council this would be added to general reserves.


Resolved that:


(a)         Cabinet notes the council is currently projected to spend within its overall budget in 2015/16; and

(b)         Performance for the first nine months of 2015/16 was considered