Issue - meetings

Executive response regarding Provision of short breaks and respite care services for children with disabilities

Meeting: 21/01/2016 - Cabinet (Item 125)

125 Provision of short breaks and respite care services for children with disabilities pdf icon PDF 345 KB

To provide the executive response to the report from the health and social care overview and scrutiny’s task and finish group report on ‘Short breaks and respite services for children with disabilities’; and to approve in principle the proposals in relation to the provision of short breaks and overnight respite care.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member placed on record his thanks to colleague members, partners and parents for their active engagement over recent months. The focus of activity had been to remove the ‘cliff edge’ faced in July 2015 by families using 1 Ledbury Road for short break and respite care; the recommendations now before cabinet would provide some certainty during the coming 12 months whilst transitional arrangements were finalised.

The chairman of the health & social care overview and scrutiny committee task and finish group welcomed the acceptance of the majority of the recommendations made by the group and the actions now proposed for adoption by cabinet. It was emphasised that the committee would continue to monitor progress and would offer support to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.

In response to questions from cabinet members the following points were noted:

·         Monitoring of progress would be undertaken through the quarterly reports to cabinet

·         Predicted numbers of children and young people with assessed need had been challenged robustly; recruitment of carers was already underway and recommissioning of other services would be undertaken through the year

·         Budgets for future years would need to reflect any unanticipated increase in numbers of service users requiring short stay and respite care

·         There should be a clear and continued information flow to parents and families

In response to questions from members in attendance the following points were noted:

·         Referrals to 1 Ledbury Road would not be re-opened; rather focus would be given to tailoring the break to the needs of the child as identified through the core assessment; provider capacity issues did not support increasing numbers and doing so may result in greater instability of service for existing users

·         There were a number of potential providers, including the friends of 1 Ledbury Road, who had expressed interest in developing services

·         Re-designation of 1 Ledbury Road would not resolve the issues relating to meeting higher level medical care


Resolved that:


a)    the executive’s response to health and social care overview and scrutiny committee’s recommendations regarding the provision of short breaks and respite services for children with disabilities, as attached at appendix 2 to this report is approved;

b)   the council takes on the role of lead commissioner on behalf of the council and Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and awards a contract  to Wye Valley NHS Trust at 1 Ledbury Road, with effect from 1 April 2016;

c)    authority be delegated to the director of children’s wellbeing, following consultation with the director of resources and cabinet member young people and children’s wellbeing, and  subject to the outcome of consultation and ongoing funding from the CCG; to conclude contract negotiations within the financial envelope as set out in this report and enter into a contract with Wye Valley NHS Trust, to ensure the continued availability of overnight short breaks at 1 Ledbury Road for up to 12 months, through an alternative delivery model;

d)    the council budget for 2016/17 for short break services is, subject to Council approval, increased  ...  view the full minutes text for item 125