Issue - meetings

Corporate Property Strategy

Meeting: 11/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 135)

135 Corporate property strategy 2016-2020 pdf icon PDF 339 KB

To approve the corporate property strategy 2016-2020 and to approve a lease for Elgar House, Hereford.

Additional documents:


In recommending the draft strategy the cabinet member contracts and assets the cabinet member noted the need to ensure suitable premises were available from which to deliver services to the public and in particular some of our more vulnerable service users.


In response to questions from members in attendance the following points were noted:

·         Operational issues (such as arose in relation to Union Street and Shire Hall) resulted in higher refurbishment and maintenance costs, emphasising the need for suitable cost effective premises; it was intended to continue use of Shire Hall

·         The cabinet member contracts and assets confirmed that support would be offered to tenant farmers and invited the Independent group leader to contact him directly with specific concerns or suggestions

·         A written response would be provided to Cllr Powers’ enquiry about a request for integrated service provision at Belmont library

·         Discussions were ongoing with the new university about their accommodation needs; in relation specifically to Franklin House, should a decision be taken to sell the property to the new university they had indicated that a phased approach to occupation would be taken.


Resolved that:

a)            the corporate property strategy 2016-2020 attached at appendix 1 be approved and used to guide the development and delivery of the property programme; and

b)           the acquisition of a 10 year lease of the property known as Elgar House, Holmer Road, Hereford, at an annual rent of £87k be approved.