Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/05/2015 - Council (Item 2)


To appoint the Vice-Chairman of the Council.


(Councillors MD Lloyd-Hayes and PJ McCaull declared pecuniary interests and left the meeting for the duration of this item.)


Councillor WLS Bowen proposed and Councillor GJ Powell seconded the nomination of Councillor PJ McCaull.


Councillor AJW Powers proposed and Councillor JM Bartlett seconded the nomination of Councillor MD Lloyd-Hayes.


Councillor Bowen and Councillor Powers spoke respectively on the qualities their nominees possessed which they considered equipped them to fulfil the role of vice-chairman.


A named vote was held.


For Councillor Lloyd-Hayes (12)


Councillors JM Bartlett, TL Bowes, EPJ Harvey, MN Mansell, SM Michael, FM Norman, CA North, AJW Powers, A Seldon, D Summers, LC Tawn, A Warmington.


For Councillor McCaull (37)


Councillors PA Andrews, BA Baker, WLS Bowen, H Bramer, CR Butler, ACR Chappell, MJK Cooper, PGH Cutter, BA Durkin, PJ Edwards, CA Gandy, DW Greenow, KS Guthrie, J Hardwick, DG Harlow, EL Holton, JA Hyde, TM James, AW Johnson, JF Johnson, JG Lester, RI Matthews, RL Mayo, MT McEvilly, PM Morgan, PD Newman, RJ Phillips, GJ Powell, PD Price, P Rone, AR Round, NE Shaw, WC Skelton, J Stone, EJ Swinglehurst, DB Wilcox and SD Williams.


RESOLVED:   That Councillor PJ McCaull be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council for the forthcoming municipal year.