Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/05/2015 - Council (Item 4)


To receive any declarations of interest by Members in respect of items on the Agenda.


The Assistant Director, Governance reminded Council that for agenda item 8 - appointments to council committees and outside bodies he had granted a dispensation under his delegated authority to those Councillors seeking election to posts carrying a special responsibility allowance so permitting them to remain in the meeting for its consideration.  However, he recommended that they should not vote on their own appointment.


Agenda item 1 – Election of Chairman


Councillor DB Wilcox declared a pecuniary interest as a candidate for office and left the meeting for the duration of this item.


Agenda item 2 - Appointment of Vice-Chairman


Councillor MD Lloyd-Hayes declared a pecuniary interest as a candidate for office and left the meeting for the duration of this item.


Councillor PJ McCaull declared a pecuniary interest as a candidate for office and left the meeting for the duration of this item.


Agenda item 7: Election of Leader of the Council


Councillor AW Johnson declared a pecuniary interest as a candidate for office and left the meeting for the duration of this item.