Issue - meetings

Corporate performance report 2014/15: quarter 3

Meeting: 26/02/2015 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Corporate performance report 2014/15: Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 215 KB

To invite Cabinet Members to consider performance for the third quarter of 2014/15.

Additional documents:


The Deputy Leader introduced the report which sets out the council’s performance for the third quarter of 2014-15.


In response to a number of questions from the leader of It’s Our County group, the Director of Adults Wellbeing confirmed that training has taken place for all frontline staff to improve ways of working. Secondment arrangements were changed in order to support provision of integrated care pathways for mental health in recognition of the differing criteria for providing mental health care between the different agencies.


In terms of nursing care, there are pressures through Accident and Emergency admissions and there was a surprising increase in nursing home admissions. The focus will be to ensure people are discharged to their own homes rather than to residential nursing care. The increase in admissions has peaked and is now stabilising.  Should the needs change for an individual who initially had local authority funding, they would be assessed for continuing healthcare and then access free NHS care, for example, for dementia. It is therefore essential to ensure that people have access as soon as possible.


With regard to the Care Act, there is confidence that there will be implementation in some areas. The reaction from the public is yet unknown but if demand increases after 1 April 2015, there could be pressure on services. There has been training for staff. However, detailed guidance regarding the new duties is not yet available and so expectations are not clear at this stage. Despite this, Herefordshire is on par with other authorities and is on target.


With regard to affordable housing, there is confidence that the overall target will be met and exceeded, although this is dependent on planning decisions. The target was met last year.


The leader of the Green group asked about the implications of greater demand on support for troubled families. The Director of Children’s Wellbeing confirmed that if there were more than the anticipated number of families, demand could be met.


An incorrect figure quoted in paragraph 22 of the report was noted for amendment.


The leader of the Green group commented on waste collection with regard to addressing issues with storage space for bins. She added that in regard to devolved services, that the change process had been slow.


The leader of It’s Our County commented on the quality of jobs in the city centre and the risk of zero hours contracts and low pay. He added that the digital strategy was not mentioned in the report and the Deputy Leader confirmed that this strategy was on track.


The Chair of the General Overview and Scrutiny Committee expressed concern over the reliance upon on-line services. The Deputy Leader confirmed that whilst customers will still be able to contact the council by telephone, we will continue to encourage them to access services online wherever possible. 


The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure responded to comment from the leader of It’s Our County by clarifying the position of the core strategy following an examination which was completed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68