Issue - meetings

Delivering the strategic approach for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs

Meeting: 26/02/2015 - Cabinet (Item 65)

65 Delivering the strategic approach for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs pdf icon PDF 215 KB

To consider the children and young people with disabilities (CWD) and special educational needs (SEN) transformation programme. The partnership-wide programme will target available resources to deliver the strategic approach for CWD and SEN, and their families, for 2015-2018 in Herefordshire.

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The Cabinet Member, Young People and Children’s Services, introduced the report in consideration of the transformation programme for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs.


The Assistant Director, Children’s Wellbeing, presented the strategy which has had extensive consultation with families.  The strategy forms part of the Children and Young People plan and has been commended for developing good practice.

The key themes of the strategy are:


·         enabling choice and empowerment in line with the Children and Families Act (2014) to meet aspirations to provide a high level of service to this group;

·         Integrated pathways, which co-ordinate services and streamline the transition into adulthood by linking Children’s and Adults’ services in line with Department for Education recommendations;

·         Advice and guidance for families to make choices around short breaks; and

·         working with the Clinical Commissioning Group to consider needs to support children to remain at home rather than using distant residential accommodation


A Member welcomed the approach detailed in the report and commented on the reduction of “silos”. In answer to his question regarding resources, the Assistant Director, Children’s Wellbeing, confirmed that some areas are progressing well, whilst other areas such as personalisation, require further work. At this stage clarity is required regarding the Clinical Commissioning Group’s priorities in order to meet families’ complex needs and to enhance therapy services. 


The Chair of the General Overview and Scrutiny Committee asked about the risk areas associated with the strategy. There is concern about avoiding overburdening families with consultation, instead focusing on positive change for the families affected.


The leader of the Independent group asked for confirmation that previous weaknesses in the partnership had been resolved. The Assistant Director, Children’s Wellbeing, explained that the partnership could be stronger in some areas but it was important that it is held to account.  It was noted that there is a strong partnership with Paediatrics. 


The leader of the Liberal Democrats commented that there could be a significant financial impact from the Care Act which will need to be made clear to newly elected Members. This was noted for the attention of officers for inclusion in the induction programme for Members.


The leader of the Greens commented on the improvement programme’s reporting to the Director and the Health and Wellbeing Board. She further commented that the detail of personalisation required development in order for implementation.




That         (a)   the 2015-2018 Children and young people with disabilities and special education needs services transformation programme be endorsed; and


                 (b)   the approval of the detailed work packages be delegated to the Director of Children’s Wellbeing