Issue - meetings

National Troubled Families

Meeting: 18/12/2014 - Cabinet (Item 53)

53 Extended National Troubled Families Programme pdf icon PDF 167 KB

To confirm the council and its key partners will continue to work with the national Troubled Families programme and join the extended programme which will run from 2015/16 to 2019/20.




The Cabinet Member for Young People and Children’s Wellbeing presented the item concerning the joining of the extended National Troubled Families Programme to run from 2015/16 to 2019/20.


He confirmed the council has been part of the scheme since 2012 and so far has helped 250 families. This has reduced crime and anti-social behaviour and improved school attendance and back to work rates for these families. Additional funding of £1.1million has been received, by the end of this financial year it is hoped 310 families would have been helped.


Due to the success of the scheme, the council has been asked to join the extended scheme for 5 years. This extends the reasons families can be assisted and it is hoped 1000 extra families can be helped over the lifetime of the initiative.


Concerning the identification of families the Assistant Director, Commissioning and Education confirmed that most of the extra families will already be known to the council and our partners such as the Police, Job Centre Plus and Housing. The figure of 1000 is an estimate based on known information and the widening criteria of the scheme.


The Assistant Director, Commissioning and Education clarified the use of figures in paragraph 6 of the report. The figures in brackets refer to national figures for the whole population.


It was also confirmed that locally the scheme is known as Families First, the name used in the report refers to the national scheme that it is part of.


The Assistant Director, Commissioning and Education confirmed payments are received from central government as a one off fee, and then payment by results.


Following a member’s query about youth services the Assistant Director, Commissioning and Education confirmed the council does not directly fund universal youth services but does facilitate multi agency meetings and a support approach using he common assessment framework.  Youth clubs and other opportunities are provided by schools, colleges, the voluntary, community and private sectors..




THAT:       the council, as lead partner, joins the extended national Troubled Families programme.