Issue - meetings

Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report and Business Plan

Meeting: 09/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 33)

33 Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report and Business Plan pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To inform Cabinet of Herefordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board (HSCB) assessment of safeguarding in Herefordshire and of its own effectiveness within the Annual Report 2013-2014 and present to them the finalised Business Plan 2014-2015.

Additional documents:


The Independent Chair of Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board (HSCB), David McCallum, presented members with the annual report for 2013/2014 and the board’s business plan for 2014/2015.


It was confirmed the report had been delayed pending the outcome of the Ofsted report of Children’s Services and the Ofsted Review of the Safeguarding Children Board.


The key points of the report were highlighted to members along with how these feed into the business plan. It was concluded the board had made improvements in the last 2 – 3 years but there is still a long way to go and ongoing support is needed.


Concerning Appendix 2 of the annual report Mr McCallum confirmed attendance protocol is in place and this has been followed in the past year. He confirmed it is regrettable the Ministry of Defence attendance level was low at strategic board and steering group meetings and this matter would need to be revisited. Concerning lay members of the board it was confirmed there have been real benefits to having a public view bought to their discussions.


The chair of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) confirmed the committee had seen the report at its last meeting, and following the publication of the Jay Report, a specific HOSC meeting will take place to look at the safeguarding issues in Development Area 3 of the action plan.


Concerning the issue of child sexual exploitation, Mr McCallum confirmed the board recognise the issues of vulnerable children and identifying perpetrators, and confirmed there is little doubt that these issues are in Herefordshire. It was added that children who can appear ‘streetwise’ are also at risk of being vulnerable and exploited. He confirmed previous workshops on this subject have been well attended by third parties and other organisations but the board cannot be complacent and have in development a child sexual exploitation strategy and action plan.


Concerning working with schools, Mr McCallum advised members an education forum takes place once each term with representatives from schools and the board. Approximately 80 – 100 representatives from schools attend; usually the schools dedicated safeguarding leads. It was confirmed the board are looking at how to communicate with schools to encourage more to engage with their work.





(a)  Notes the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements for children and young people in Herefordshire as assessed by the HSCB;

(b)  Acknowledges the priorities of HSCB in relation to specific safeguarding issues in Herefordshire;

(c)  Considers how Herefordshire Council is contributing to service improvement through commissioning within Herefordshire with regard to these safeguarding issues; and

(d)  Makes any comments to the board about its future work programme.