Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 65)


To outline options for Customer Services and Libraries in the light of continued budget pressures and for Cabinet to consider future delivery of centres and services for implementation in 2015/16.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member, Customer Services introduced the report of the Head of Community & Customer Services, which set out options for future delivery customer services and library centres and services for implementation in 2015/16. It was noted that, due to a proofing error, the points referenced in recommendation (a) should identify points 17-26 rather than 23-32.


The Cabinet Member, Customer Services drew attention to the proactive approach being taken to ensure that services and facilities could, with the support of local communities, adapt to the changing budgetary situation.


Cllr Powell received assurance that, in light of the proposals which did not involve any closure of library services there was confidence that a comprehensive local library service was being maintained.


In response to queries from Members in attendance the following observations were made:

  • The model proposed for customer services in Hereford city had already proved successful in other locations and would be explored
  • The proposals set out a direction of travel for the development of library and customer service delivery and ideas for more radical delivery models would be welcomed to ensure a library service was retained and fit for the future
  • Staffing of libraries was not currently routinely undertaken by professionally qualified librarians and future models would explore use of a mix of volunteers and staff
  • Options for location of Ledbury library service within the Masters House were being explored
  • Customers not using cashless payment options would continue to be able to make payments through facilities such as the Post Office and the proposals allowed for a transition period
  • As the pattern of customer contact changes the facilities for face to face contact needed to change to reflect that.




(a)       authority be delegated to the Director for Economy, Communities and Corporate, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Corporate Services and Contracts and Assets, to implement changes to service delivery (points 17-26) in order to release savings for April 2015;

(b)       consideration be given to closing the customer services centre at Franklin House and offering a combined customer and library service at the Broad Street site; and

(c)     should the decision taken in respect of recommendation (b) above be to progress a combined customer and library service at the Broad Street site, the cost of modernising the premises be financed through capital receipts from the disposal of selected operational properties to avoid extending the council’s borrowing requirements


As proposed by the Chairman, the order of the following two items on the agenda was reversed.