Issue - meetings

Children with Disabilities: Short Breaks and Respite Service Provision

Meeting: 21/11/2013 - Cabinet (Item 49)

49 Children with Disabilities: Short Breaks and Respite Service Provision pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To seek approval to commit Council  funding of up to £1.3m  (£443k per annum) over the next three years in the procurement of services for children and young people with disabilities.  This is part of a £3.3m (£1.1m per annum) pooled budget between Herefordshire Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). 

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Young People and Children’s Wellbeing introduced the report of the Lead Commissioner (Short Breaks) which sought approval to commit Council funding of up to £1.3m (£443,000 per annum) over the next three years in the procurement of services for children and young people with disabilities.  This was part of a £3.3m pooled budget between Herefordshire Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).


The Head of Commissioning (Children’s Services) highlighted the key points of the report:


a.       The statutory duties of the Council and the CCG were outlined.


b.       The Herefordshire Review of Services for Children and Young People with Disabilities and Complex Needs had clearly identified the availability of short breaks and respite care as a significant support to children, young people and families.  This included a specific recommendation to commission an integrated range of short break provision and to pool resources across partner agencies to prevent overlap and support best value.


c.       Current contracts were due to cease in January 2014 and a new approach had been taken to procurement in Herefordshire, using the Commissioning Prospectus; this was appended to the report.  This was outcomes focused and parent and carers had been involved in the commissioning process, and would continue to be involved in on-going monitoring and evaluation of the contracts.


d.       The tender process and next steps of the procurement were outlined. It was reported that new providers were coming into market in Herefordshire, the number of buddies / support workers would be increased, and a new foster carer service provided.  It was reported that further work was to be undertaken, particularly to ensure that there were no gaps in the services.


In response to a question from Councillor James, the Lead Commissioner (Short Breaks) provided an overview of the options available to meet the varying requirements of children and young people with disabilities and complex needs.  Councillor James commented that Members should be aware of the remarkable commitments made by parents, carers and families and the need to support them appropriately.  The Leader added that this work was entirely in support of the core aims of the Council.


RESOLVED:  That funding commitment of up to £1.3m over three years be approved as the Council element of a total pooled budget of £3.3million over the next three year period, to support the awarding of contracts for short break and respite care services for children and young people aged 0-19 years with significant disabilities in Herefordshire.