Issue - meetings

West Mercia Youth Justice Plan

Meeting: 25/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 21)

21 West Mercia Youth Justice Plan pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To endorse the Youth Justice Plan as attached at Appendix A to the report, for approval by Council at its September meeting. 

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Children’s Services presented a report in respect of the proposed annual Youth Justice Plan, which would be considered by Council at its September meeting.  The Plan was jointly shared by Herefordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and Worcestershire Local Authorities.  The following points were made in discussion:


·         The Plan had identified key areas for attention, such as the need to provide additional support for more vulnerable groups.  One such group was looked-after children.  This issue was being addressed though a sub-group of the Youth Offending Sub-Committee, which would work in collaboration with the Safeguarding Children Board, the Probation Service and other service areas.

·         A study was being undertaken in collaboration with the West Mercia Constabulary to identify why youth re-offending figures had recently shown a slight increase.  This was a national, as well as a local trend.  However, in terms of Herefordshire, the crime detection rate and improved and .was higher than other areas, and this might explain some of the perceived increase. 

·         In response to a question about young people from other authorities that were temporarily in looked-after residency in Herefordshire, it was noted that there was no requirement for the other authority to pick up any costs associated with youth offending.  There was, however, a responsibility on residential homes looking after young people from other authorities, to notify Herefordshire Council of the residency.  

RESOLVED:   that the Youth Justice Plan as prepared, be endorsed, and it be recommended within the Policy Framework, that the Plan be approved by Council at its meeting on 27 September 2013.