Issue - meetings

Next Stage Integration - Wye Valley NHS Trust

Meeting: 25/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Adult Social Care Next Stage Integration - Wye Valley NHS Trust pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To approve the Adult Social Care Next Stage Integration Project Organisational Change Model.  Specifically, the:


    proposed operational model and organisational structure for those functions currently part of the Wye Valley s75 and the subsequent headcount (full time equivalent (fte)) impact;

    interim commissioning arrangements for the Learning Disability Community Service; and

    financial implications for the 2013/14 & 2014/15 Adult Social Care Revenue Budget


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing presented the report of the Assistant Director Adult Social Care, which outlined the Adult Social Care Next Stage Integration Project Organisational Change Model.  Specifically, the report addressed:


    The proposed operational model and organisational structure for those functions currently part of the Wye Valley s75 and the subsequent headcount (full time equivalent (fte)) impact

    Interim commissioning arrangements for the Learning Disability Community Service

    Financial implications for the 2013/14 & 2014/15 Adult Social Care Revenue Budget


The Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing made the following points in relation to the report:


·         The proposal created a platform to deliver integrated care pathways in partnership with the Clinical Commissioning Group and the NHS.  Whilst facing significant financial challenges in line with other local authorities, the proposals sought to maintain appropriate services for the most vulnerable residents. 

·         He referred to the aims of the Adult Social Care Business Plan, which was the basis for the proposed changes.  The new system would support and encourage service users to take responsibility for their own wellbeing, and would move away from a model of delivered care, to a model involving customer choice, charging and early intervention.

·         The Next Stage Integration Project was a key component of the Business Change Transformational Program, and would deliver approximately 10% of overall required savings.

·         The report described the current model, which would cease to operate in September 2013, the proposed model, and the processes required for moving forward, including any necessary organisational changes. Under the new model, the Council would take responsibility for the social care functions of initial contact, assessment, safeguarding and review. 


During the ensuing discussion the following key points were made:


·         Under the current scheme there had been an average delay in assessments of approximately three months.  A main aim of the NSI project was therefore to conduct assessments quickly, with the most urgent assessments happening within hours under a new “rapid assessment” scheme..

·         The demand for adult social care was increasing at a time when budgets ttwere being reduced.  With this as a backdrop, therefore, the project had been devised to provide a viable service delivery, and an improved user experience with greater choice and control.

·         Consultation on the project was ongoing and improving, and to ensure that comprehensive feedback was achieved, service user and care representative groups had been set up.  The joint project group with the Wye Valley NHS Trust would also continue to meet.  It was important to recognise that changes would not be implemented until adequate supply of care was in place,  and there was certainty that any potential risks had been mitigated.

·         In response to a question, the Assistant Director Adult Social Care and Commissioning confirmed that the detailed plan relating to integrated care pathways were being worked on.  The initial aim had been to set the direction of travel, and next would be an agreement on the pathways in partnership with the Wye Valley NHS Trust, the Clinical Commissioning Group and the 2gether NHS  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18