Issue - meetings

Corporate Planning and Performance

Meeting: 20/06/2013 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Corporate Planning and Performance Report pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To review the evidence base, and be advised of proposals for future review/development of the corporate plan and the focus for future performance reporting.


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Cabinet reviewed the evidence base which formed the corporate planning and performance report, and members were advised of proposals for the future review and development of the corporate plan, and the focus for future performance reporting.  The evidence base comprised “Understanding Herefordshire 2013” – an overall assessment of the health and wellbeing needs of Herefordshire’s population, the corporate performance report 2013/13, and the budget outturn report for 2012/13.  In its current format, the corporate plan would ensure that future decisions on service priorities, planning and commissioning, took full account of the evidence available. 


The Cabinet Member Corporate commented that the evidence base provided was an important tool for re-shaping the organisation and engaging both the whole Council and the public, adding that the report highlighted the importance of improving customer contact across the system.  She commended the work undertaken to relocate the majority of Council employees to the Plough Lane site, which would create efficiencies and generate longer-term savings through reduced accommodation costs. 


During the ensuing discussion, the following principal points were made:


·         Understanding Herefordshire 2013 was the result of thorough research, and provided an invaluable basis for decision-making and crucial guidance for the role of overview and scrutiny in the future. 

·         The importance of using the evidence correctly was emphasised, particularly in relation to risk management. 

·         The report highlighted the significant role undertaken by local carers, and it was suggested that Understanding Herefordshire 2013 could be used to target an adequate level of resourcing and support for this group.

·         With reference to recommendation (f) in the covering report, members would need to work together to determine the future role of the Council, taking account of proposed cuts. 

·         The Chief Officer Finance and Commercial drew Cabinet’s attention to paragraph 8.1 on page 183 of the agenda, and also page 187 of the agenda (Final Outturn Report 2012/13), which indicated that the revenue overspend was approximately £2.3 million, compared to an anticipated overspend of £3.5 million as of February 2013.  The overall position in 2012/13 was more secure than forecast.  He highlighted areas where savings had been made, and commented on the benchmarking graph on -page 207 of the agenda, which indicated that the Council was earning an above average return with a lower than average level of risk. 

·         Performance was intrinsically linked to the Council’s financial position.  The Chief Officer Finance and Commercial said that he would improve the presentation of the accounts so that the financial position was as clear as possible.  The current set of accounts showed both the before and after position relating to a series of necessary end-of-year adjustments, and the presentation would benefit from an additional column to show expenditure. 

·         In response to a question, the Assistant Director People Policy and Partnerships commented that the use of agency staff could be viewed as positive, and was an active choice in some service areas because it enabled the Council to backfill staff turnover.  The use of agency staff was particularly helpful during the Council’s re-design phase  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8