Issue - meetings

Housing Allocation Policy for Herefordshire

Meeting: 20/06/2013 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Housing Allocation Policy for Herefordshire pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To note and approve the content of the Housing Allocation Policy for Herefordshire.


Additional documents:


The Assistant Director Homes and Community Services presented his report in respect of the proposed housing allocation policy for Herefordshire, which would come into force in April 2014, and which detailed the procedures that were to be followed, and determined the priorities for allocating housing.  The policy’s main aim was to ensure that the Council and its Home Point partners made the best use of their scarce affordable housing provision, and contributed towards sustaining communities.  He gave an overview of the main allocation criteria set out in the policy, and the legislation supporting it.  In response to a question, he confirmed that budgetary provision, including ICT costs, was in place for the work associated with the policy implementation. 


Members raised the following points in discussion:


·         The proposed policy met the statutory requirements and aimed to help those who were most vulnerable and in need. It provided an open and transparent mechanism for allocating housing, and gave clear expectations to the public.

·         Cabinet accepted the views of the overview and scrutiny committees, who had emphasised the need for flexibility to respond to changing future needs. 

·         It was noted that the Council would support housing associations that chose to limit the duration of tenancies, to enable families to move into other forms of accommodation when their resources increased.  Although the local authority had an ability to encourage this practice, it was not mandatory on the part of the housing associations. 


(a)  the revised Housing Allocation Policy for Herefordshire be noted and approved;

(b)  the implementation of the revised policy on 1st April 2014, be noted and agreed;

(c)   that decisions on minor amendments to the policy associated with implementation through the Home Point system, be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Planning Environment and Housing to approve; and

(d)   the Cabinet Member for Planning Environment and Housing be given delegated authority to agree amendments to the current allocation policy taking into account the publication of new statutory guidance relating to migrants to the UK.