Issue - meetings

Section 75 Partnership Agreement

Meeting: 16/05/2013 - Cabinet (Item 96)

96 Section 75 Partnership Agreement between Herefordshire Council and Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To approve the financial schedule between Herefordshire Council and Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group for 2013 to 2014 attached as Appendix D to the Section 75 and agree the extension to the existing Section 75, until the 30 June 2013, whilst work continues to develop a ‘fit-for-purpose’ new Partnership Agreement for 2013/16.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing presented the Assistant Directors’ for Children’s and Adult services report on the Section 75 Partnership Agreement.  This is the financial agreement between Herefordshire Council and Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group for 2013 to 2014, which agrees the extension to the existing Section 75 until the 30 June 2013, whilst work continues to develop a ‘fit-for-purpose’ new partnership agreement for 2013/16.


The following comments were made in discussion:


·         In response to a question on Government proposals for integrated working, Cabinet was reminded that the Council had and would continue to facilitate integrated working, which provided officers with clear pathways for working.

·         It was felt that the partnership between the Council and the PCT (Primary Care Trust) had cost the Council financially a considerable sum of money. 

·         In response to a question on the involvement of scrutiny with regards to accountability, the director advised that this was not relevant to the document before Cabinet, however, scrutiny would have a role in overseeing activity. 

·         In response to a question on finance the director advised that pooled budgets would be in operation, which was made up of funds from each organisation and managed by the Council for all parties.  Any risk or increases would then be shared by the parties involved.  The Rag rating provided an indication of how monitoring would be carried out to ensure everything was on track.

·         Concern was raised regarding contract monitoring.  The director advised that individual officers would be responsible for the monitoring.

·         Members agreed the recommendations, which would include an additional recommendation ‘d’ regarding delegated authority.



a)    the financial schedule for 2013/14 at Appendix D of the report (page 26) be approved on behalf of the Council;

b)    an extension and novation of the existing Section 75 was agreed until June 30 2013;

c)    the work in progress on a new Section 75 Agreement was endorsed, with a final document to be approved by 1 June; and

d)    delegated authority be given to the Director for People’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing to sign off the final Section 75 Agreement on behalf of the Council.