Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 80)


To report on the receipt of the Improvement Notice from the Department for Education (DfE) and progress to date on the Ofsted recommendations and next steps.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing reported that an Improvement Notice had been received from the Department for Education (DfE) in respect of Children’s Safeguarding.  She also highlighted the progress that has been made in addressing Ofsted’s recommendations, setting out key areas of action that were essential to secure good child protection services over the next two years.  One of the requirements of the Notice was a statement of expectation by the Council, and an action plan, which were contained in Appendices 2 and 3 of the report. 


The main points of the discussion were:


·           It was imperative that the Council had full ownership and delivery of the statement of expectation and the action plan, and reached agreement with all of the necessary external agencies on the way forward.  Partnership working was by its nature challenging, and Cabinet was given assurance that other agencies were fully on board and committed to making the necessary improvements. 

·           Correct balance was needed between addressing the urgency of the measures and making sustainable improvements.  Evidence of progress to date was given in Appendix 4 to the report. 

·           Members and staff would be provided with regular information in real time so that progress could be measured accurately.  Some aspects of the plan were being monitored on a daily basis so that an immediate response could be applied when needed.  The Director for People’s Services reported that officers involved in implementing the action plan were ambitious and driven to ensure its success.  It was important to engage all staff fully in the plan, and to support those with challenging roles. 

·           The main priority area was an audit of some 1400 cases, which when complete, would give a strong indication of quality of practice.  It was important to work around some of the issues, such as the inflexibility of the ICT system in use, and to distinguish between quality of practice information and performance data. 

·           It was crucial that all councillors attended safeguarding training to further a broad understanding of the issues at stake.  Some members with experience in this area were already supporting the process.  The importance of the scrutiny role, and the Safeguarding Board was also emphasised. 

·           Nationally, recruitment in children’s safeguarding was difficult due to an overall shortage of skilled workforce, particularly at management level.  The Council was continuing its recruitment campaign and further developing its strategies  for career progression

·           Members noted that the next Ofsted report was due in the autumn of 2013, at which time the independent chair of the Improvement Board would send a separate report to the DfE.  In the meantime, the quarterly reports to Cabinet would provide a much greater level of detail so that members were fully aware of developments. 


RESOLVED:   that


(a)             the Improvement Notice from the Department for Education be received;


(b)             the statement of expectation for children’s safeguarding in Herefordshire, and further discussion and potential endorsement by partners, be confirmed;


(c)             the finalisation of the statement as set out in the report, be delegated to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80