Issue - meetings

Public Health Transition Plan

Meeting: 17/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 Update on the Implementation of the Public Health Transition Plan pdf icon PDF 126 KB

The purpose of this report is to provide Cabinet with assurance that the transition plan for the safe transfer of the public health function, including its staff and contract commitments, from Herefordshire Primary Care Trust to Herefordshire Council in April 2013 is on course.



Members received an update report on the implementation of the Public Health Transition Plan.  The report provided assurance that the transition plan for the safe transfer of the public health function - including staff and contract commitments – from Herefordshire Primary Care Trust to Herefordshire Council, was on course for April 2013. The following key points were made in discussion:


·         The Director of Public Health confirmed that the allocation of a ring-fenced public health grant – awarded to support Herefordshire Council in carrying out its new public health functions – would be higher than the previous indication of approximately £6.5m.  The actual figures would be approximately £7.7m for 2013/14, and £7.9m in 2014/15. 

·         In response to a question, the Director of Public Health confirmed that the transfer of public health responsibility to the Council presented a significant opportunity, in that it put public health within the democratic process, and would enable greater collaboration and integration between services. 

·         Also in response to a question, she confirmed that the financial responsibility of Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (TUPE) lay entirely with in the public health grant, and she did not therefore envisage that it would impact on other budgets.  The process of business reconciliation was currently underway, and this would provide a robust figure for the various commitments.  In terms of risk management, she assured Members that there was a significant and detailed programme of planning and support behind the transfer, and this would help to mitigate any potential risks. 


(i)            Cabinet notes the transition plan for the safe transfer of the public health function, including its staff and contract commitments, from Herefordshire Primary Care Trust to Herefordshire Council in April 2013, is on course, and that the director of Public Health is given delegated authority to implement additional guidance on the transition as it is published;

(ii)          The novation of public health contracts to the Council, as confirmed nationally for 2013/14, be approved; and

(iii)         The TUPE process for the public health staff, as mapped nationally from the PCT to the Council, be approved.