Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/11/2012 - Council (Item 64)


To consider the recommendations of the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel on the Councillors Allowances Scheme.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council presented the report of the Assistant Director Law, Governance and Resilience on the Independent Remuneration Panel.  Council considered the recommendations and following a vote it was agreed to amend recommendation b) 2 – the number of Task and Finish Groups a Vice Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee must chair, from 50% to 40% of Task and Finish Group meetings.






a)    the Independent Remuneration Panel be thanked for its report;


b)    having regard to the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel Council adopts the following:


1      the level of allowance paid to the Chairmen of the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees be set at Band 2, and that this rate be reviewed not later than 2015;


2      an allowance be paid to the Vice-Chairmen of the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees and that this be set at Band 4, subject to the Vice Chairmen chairing at least 40% of the Task and Finish Groups held by the Committee.  An allowance to otherwise be set for Vice Chairmen at Band 5.  These rates to be reviewed in 2015.


3      that an allowance of £500 be paid to Chairmen of special Scrutiny Task and Finish Groups appointed by the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee subject to appropriate criteria being met.  The number of payments to be reviewed at the end of 12 months;


4      that the Deputy Leaders’, allowance be withdrawn from the Schedule of Member’s Allowances.


5      that Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Service rates be paid regardless of the fuel type used by a vehicle and that these rates be reviewed by Herefordshire Council before 2016;


6      that where practicable, Members requiring overnight accommodation utilise three star accommodation or equivalent, evidenced by receipts.  If no suitable accommodation is available, Members may, with the approval of the Monitoring Officer, book accommodation to the value of £120 per night, evidenced by receipts;


7      that no allowance be recommended for the Chairmen of the Rural and the Urban Forums.  However, the activities of both Forums to be reviewed by the Panel in December 2013; and


c)    the new Allowances Scheme to take effect from 23 November 2012.