Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/11/2012 - Cabinet (Item 47)


To invite Cabinet Members to review performance for the period to end September 2012.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Corporate Services presented the report of the Assistant Director People, Policy and Partnerships and made the following points to Cabinet:


·         Agreed changes to corporate performance arrangements were approved by Cabinet in July of this year.

·         Appendix A to the report provides an overview and refers to progress being made on projects that were agreed to be done in order to achieve the six high level themes in the Joint Corporate Plan. 

·         Also  included is performance against key indicators for operational areas of the Council – customers, employees, finance and directorate service areas.  Appendices B to F of the report cover the areas in more detail.

·         Satisfaction with the Council through the quality of life survey has increased from 33 to 55%.

·         Good progress has been made on the accommodation strategy, which includes the civic hub and Plough Lane refurbishment.

·         There has been an unqualified opinion by the auditors on the Council’s accounts.

·         There has been some difficulty in recruiting commercial and procurement staff.  A range of other resourcing options are being used to ensure that the important complex projects do not slip.

·         Customer services performance has dipped due to an increased number of calls and staffing absenteeism.  Overall this is against an improving picture, which includes avoidable contact being kept at a low 17%.


Cabinet made the following comments:


·         It was noted that incidents of domestic violence was still higher than the set target and represented 19.4% of all domestic crime.  This was a serious issue particularly for the children involved and how it affected them.  Agencies would continue to address the issues and work together.

·         Across both directorates there was interest in getting people on bicycles and walking and consultation on the transport plan concluded on 15 November. 

·         With regard to GCSE results schools had not performed as well as expected, although this was a national issue.  Schools would be appealing against exam results as would schools across the country.

·         In referring to empty homes, which was raised at the last Council meeting.  The Cabinet Member stated the Council had a good record for bringing empty homes back into use.  In addition referring to the number of families in temporary accommodation, it was added that officers were working hard to rectify the situation.

·         The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing stated that under safeguarding of older people, the delayed discharge of older patients from hospital was low. 

·         In health and wellbeing it was noted that the take up of personal budgets by those qualifying was now at 50%, which was an increase on the previous year.  Being responsible for your own budget allowed people to decide themselves how they used their funding.

·         In referring to the recent Ofsted inspection the Cabinet Member stated there would be a report to cabinet as soon as feed back had been received.  It was noted that the new chair of the Children’s Trust had been appointed.

·         In referring to page 21 of the report, delivery plan project exceptions, the Leader  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47