Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/10/2012 - Cabinet (Item 37)

37 CORPORATE PLAN 2013/15 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To agree proposals for the council corporate plan 2013/15 for recommendation to Council.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council, as the Cabinet Member responsible  for Corporate Strategy and Finance presented the report of the Assistant Director People, Policy and Partnership.


The following comments were made in discussion:


·         Cabinet was reminded that the current corporate plan was based around the partnership between Herefordshire Council and the Primary Care Trust.

·         The plan for 2013/15 outlines the important priorities for Herefordshire.

·         The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee endorsed the plan and stated that the acronym PEOPLE should be utilised in both the foundation and the delivery of any project proposed as part of the plan.

·         It was felt there should be more reference to public health within the document.

·         It was believed the language used in the plan needed to be reviewed to be meaningful and reflect a more empowering organisation.

·         Cabinet was reminded that measures were mapped to outcomes and Cabinet would be able to check the outcomes  in the regular performance reports.

·         Cabinet noted that the plan would be finalised in time to reflect upon when Cabinet would be making budget decisions.

·         Cabinet noted the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which would be picked up under recommendation a) of the report.



a)    authority be delegated to the Director of Corporate Services, in consultation with the Leader, to effect any amendments arising from the discussion at Cabinet, prior to consideration by Council; and

b)    subject to the above, the corporate plan as set out at Appendix B to the report be recommended to Council.