Issue - meetings

Children's Centre Review

Meeting: 14/06/2012 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Children Centre Services Review pdf icon PDF 100 KB

For Cabinet to be informed of the findings from the children centre services consultation and agree a course of action to determine the future delivery model.


The Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing presented the report of the Head of Provider Services (Localities).  The following points were made in discussion:


  • Cabinet was informed of the consultation carried out over a 12 week period with parents, carers, stakeholders and children centre staff.
  • Cabinet noted that the recommendations followed the original proposal of prevention and early intervention, supporting disadvantaged or vulnerable children and their families to provide the best start in life.
  • Cabinet noted that the re-designating of the South City Children Centre as a nursery, which would help provide more places for two year old children.



a)    taking account of the views expressed through the consultation a ‘mixed market’ model of children centre services delivery be adopted;

b)    the core purpose specification for services for families with young children be developed through the forthcoming root and branch review using the results of this consultation; and

c)    a south city children’s centre is re-designated to a nursery to meet increased demand, and the Director of People’s Services be delegated authority to determine which centre is re-designated taking account of the outcome of ongoing feasibility work.