Issue - meetings

Committee Work Programme

Meeting: 13/05/2013 - General scrutiny committee (Item 73)

73 Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To consider the Committee work programme.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered its work programme.


The Vice Chairman reported that the Task & Finish Group report concerning the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), due to have been submitted to this meeting, had been temporarily withdrawn pending clarification on a number of issues raised by the review.  She further reported that clarification was still awaited from the Executive concerning a possible slippage to the CIL timetable.  The Chairman suggested that unless the issues were addressed consideration should be given to submitting the report as drafted to the June meeting.  The Monitoring Officer reported that a meeting was planned to clarify a way forward.


The Chairman commented that if the results of the Local Development Framework (LDF) consultations were available earlier than planned (18 June) then an extra meeting may be held to consider the responses.


The Chairman further commented that with increased emphasis being placed on commissioning services he was giving consideration to requesting an all member seminar, possibly facilitated by scrutiny, covering the implications and range of commissioning models and methods of monitoring.


The Vice Chairman reported that a briefing paper was being prepared concerning the waste contract.  The intention of the paper was to provide committee members with sufficient background to enable them to scrutinise the waste report due to go to Cabinet in September. 


The Vice Chairman commented that the Health of Herefordshire report would be circulated to members.  She recommended that members study the document with a view to prompting areas or themes for future scrutiny.


It was noted that comments made at Audit and Governance Committee had inferred there were issues regarding communications.  The Chairman suggested there may be a common theme and would be investigating whether a scrutiny review should be undertaken.


The Vice Chairman reported that she had met officers to investigate a possible review into the Digital Strategy.  As a result a scoping statement was being drafted.


RESOLVED: That the current position regarding the work programme be noted.