Issue - meetings

T&F Group Housing Allocations

Meeting: 13/05/2013 - General scrutiny committee (Item 72)

72 Scrutiny Review of the Housing Allocation Policy pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To consider the findings of the Task and Finish Group scrutiny review of the Housing Allocation Policy and whether to recommend the report to the Executive for consideration.

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The Committee considered the findings of the Task & Finish Group scrutiny review of the Housing Allocation Policy and whether to recommend the report to the Executive for consideration.


The Chairman of the Task & Finish Group, Councillor PJ Watts, presented the report and highlighted that the Council was required in response to the Localism Act 2011 to review its housing allocation policy.  The Group’s task was not to undertake an in-depth review but to challenge and comment on policy proposals as they were brought forward by a Steering Group comprised of officers and Registered Social Landlords (RSLs).  The findings and recommendations arising were set out in the report of the Task & Finish Group.


The Committee questioned or sought further clarification on a number of points both in the review report and the appended draft Housing Allocations Policy for Herefordshire, principally concerning: the use of the term local connection and how this applied to persons outside, but close to, the boundary; as the Council had undertaken a joint Housing Strategy with Shropshire why the Empty Homes Strategy hadn’t also been a joint strategy; the use of the term ‘reasonable preference’; the rationale for a gross annual household income of £45k; whether the proposals take into account any implications from the Welfare Reform Act 2012 (bedroom tax); how people affected by the reduced housing register will be assisted and whether private sector landlords had plans in place to manage any increased demand.


Having satisfied itself regarding the above points the Committee agreed: that the Chairman of the Task & Finish Group make a number of minor amendments for the purpose of clarity; agreed recommendations A – K in the report, and agreed that the report be forwarded to the Executive for consideration.




That      (a)     the Chairman of the Committee be authorised to finalise the report for submission to Cabinet in consultation with the Chairman of the Task & Finish Group to take account of comments made by the Committee and any proofreading corrections;


        (b)     subject to a) above the Committee agreed the findings and recommendations contained in the report of the Task & Finish Group – Housing Allocation Policy and to forward the report to the Executive for consideration;


        (c)     the Executive’s response to the Review including an action plan be reported to the first available meeting of the Committee after the Executive has approved its response.