Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/09/2012 - Council (Item 45)

45 LEADER'S REPORT pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To receive the Leader’s report, which provides an overview of the Executive’s activity since the last Council meeting.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Jarvis, presented his report.


Members made comments on the following items:


·         Planning for the Future, agenda page 45 – it was requested that all Members were kept regularly informed on issues regarding the Waste Plant.  In response the Cabinet Member Major Contracts, stated that things were moving forward and negotiations were being carried out.  In addition it was asked if some of the meetings of ‘Your Community, Your Say’ meetings could be held in the day time for some of the more elderly residents.

·         Herefordshire’s People, agenda page 45 paragraph 2 – in congratulating the exam results of looked after children it was requested that Members were kept informed of the progress of looked after children as corporate parents.  In response to a question on exam results and that a letter was sent to the Minister, the Cabinet Member stated that the local colleges were aware of the issues, however, it was the responsibility of the school to address the issue of which exam board they used.

·         Carers in the County Consultation page 46 paragraph 4 – in referring to the consultation on the website it was asked that it be remembered that not everyone had access to the web.

·         Council Tax Benefit Scheme page 46 paragraph 5 – assurance was sought that people were being made actively aware of this benefit.

·         Hereford Racecourse, agenda page 46 paragraph 6 – it was stated that the impact of the racecourse closing impacted locally as well as nationally and it was requested that Members be kept informed on events and a Member briefing be provided at the earliest opportunity.  In response the Leader stated that a timetable had been set and he was working towards a formal agreement in the near future.  It was hoped that racing could be resumed in 2014.

·         Borders Broadband Project page 46 paragraph 8 – In responding to the points raised the Cabinet Member Education and Infrastructure stated he was aware that the original figure had been £6m however, Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) had underestimated the rurality of the area and increased the budget in order to achieve what was needed for the County.  The Council had decided to match fund to ensure a strong broad band network for the future.  Members congratulated the Cabinet Member on what had been achieved with the Border Broadband Project.  With regard to the percentage of the County that would be covered by Broadband, the Cabinet Member stated that BDUK were expected to provide high speed broadband to up to 90% of the County.  Presently the take up of high speed broadband was 7-8%.  He stated that there would be no exclusion, once completed, for lower speed and there were new technologies and bursary schemes to fill any gaps.

·         Affordable Housing page 46 paragraph 7 – in response to a question on disused buildings, the Leader asked all Councillors to notify the Cabinet Member of any disused properties that could be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45