Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 18)


To update Cabinet on the progress made to date regarding Healthwatch Herefordshire and to seek approval for the establishment of the new organisation.


The Cabinet Member (Corporate Services) presented the report of the Assistant Director Customer Services and Communications.  During the discussion, the following points were made:


·         That the creation of Healthwatch amalgamated the statutory roles and responsibilities undertaken by Local Involvement Networks (LINks) and Independent Complaint Advocacy Services (ICAS).  Local Healthwatch services would be a way for local people to get information about local healthcare services and would give them the opportunity to comment on and get involved in the development of services.


·         Key stakeholders had been consulted and, of the three options in the report, Option 2 was the preferred option.


·         The Cabinet Member (Health & Wellbeing) stated that the matter had been discussed at the Health and Wellbeing Board.  The Board had endorsed Option 2, and had suggested that it be put in place for a two year period.


·         That an independent Chairman of some stature would be sought for Healthwatch, in order to ensure that the work of the body was relevant to the requirements of the County.  This would require a remuneration package.






(a)      The content of this paper and the views expressed from consultation so far be noted;


(b)      The proposals in the paper for the establishment of Healthwatch Herefordshire be agreed, including the local vision and that Healthwatch Herefordshire be provided through an arrangement with the local voluntary sector for an initial period of 2 years (option 2); and

(c)      The Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to implement these proposals, including the recruitment of an independent Chair of Healthwatch Herefordshire.