Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 17)


To update Members on progress and proposed changes to the timetable for finalising the Local Development Framework Core Strategy and the implications and options for the Local Transport Plan.


Cabinet received a report on the progress and proposed changes to the timetable for finalising the Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy and the implications and options for the Local Transport Plan.  In his introduction to the report, the Cabinet Member (Environment, Housing and Planning) raised the following issues:


·         That a key issue was the proposal to undertake a further round of consultation on the Core Strategy prior to its submission to the Secretary of State.  This was essential, as the Strategy was not yet compliant with EU requirements as to Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitat Regulations.


·         The report paid regard to emergent case law, and drew attention to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPFF).  The Strategy would need to be compliant with the NPFF whilst also supporting the local communities.  Other issues would have to be taken into consideration such as the possible impact on the River Wye Special Area of Conservation and policies related to rural areas as a result of changes to the planning system.


The Cabinet Member (Education & Infrastructure) said that the intention was to adopt a short term Local Transport Plan for 2014-15, in order to ensure that the linkage with the Local Development Framework was maintained.


The Head of Strategic Planning and Regeneration outlined the recommendations regarding the LDF in the report.  The Head of Transportation and Access reported on the LTP recommendations.  He said that whilst there were no statutory or other legal requirements to adopt these two strategies at the same time,  the original aim to coordinate the two remained valid, and there were key linkages that needed to be maintained to allow for the an LTP which reflected the Core Strategy, when both were adopted. 


By the leave of the Leader, Councillor D Taylor was invited to address Cabinet.  Councillor Taylor asked that Cabinet disregard a proposed route for the Western relief road that cut across the Belmont Abbey Playing Fields, which had been in constant use since the 1950s.  He suggested that a short field owned by Belmont Abbey could provide a link to the B4349 and be extended onto the proposed road.  The Leader thanked him for his contribution, and said that there had been correspondence with Belmont Abbey on this matter, but due process was required to ensure that all options had been taken into consideration before the Core Strategy was submitted to the Secretary of State for approval.


In the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised:


·         A Member commented on the recommendations and said that whilst there was an acknowledgement in the report of objections to the road, there was no mention of objections to the absence of alternatives to the Relief Road under recommendation (a) in the report. He expressed concern that the LTP would be found to be unsound if it had not examined this issue.  The Head of Transportation and Access pointed out that three different options had been looked at; a no relief road option, and an east or west option.  These  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17