Issue - meetings

Public Health Transition Plan

Meeting: 12/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 Update on the Implementation of the Public Health Transition Plan pdf icon PDF 309 KB

The purpose of this report is to provide Cabinet with assurance that the Public Health Transition Project is on course to achieve the safe transfer of legal responsibility for Public Health from Herefordshire Primary Care Trust to Herefordshire Council in April 2013, and to inform Cabinet about the scope of those new legal responsibilities and the opportunity they give the Council to improve the health and wellbeing of the people in Herefordshire.


The Cabinet Member (Health & Wellbeing) presented the update on implementation of the Public Health Transition Plan.  She said that the Public Health Transition Project was on course to achieve the safe transfer of legal responsibility for Public Health from Herefordshire Primary Care Trust to Herefordshire Council in April 2013.




Thatthe following be noted:


a)            the Public Health Transition Project is on course to achieve the safe transfer of legal responsibility for Public Health from Herefordshire Primary Care Trust to Herefordshire Council in April 2013;

b)            the scope of the public health responsibilities that are transferring to Local Authorities in April 2013 creating new opportunities for improving the health and wellbeing of people in Herefordshire; and;

c)            the intention to present a further report will be presented to Cabinet seeking agreement of Herefordshire Council’s Vision for Public Health and to provide an update on progress of the Public Health Transition Project.