Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/10/2011 - Cabinet (Item 130)


To note progress made on locality asset reviews (including the Hereford Accommodation Programme) and to endorse the proposed master plan and work programme within each locality including the accommodation solution for Herefordshire Public Services (HPS) back office staff in Hereford as part of the Hereford City locality.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Corporate Services and Education introduced the Locality Asset Review and Accommodation Programme report and asked Cabinet to note the report and endorse the proposed master plan and work programme within each locality to include the accommodation solution for Herefordshire Public Services back office staff in Hereford as part of the Hereford City locality.


Cabinet discussed the following points:


·         Nine localities based on the locality structure had already been agreed.  Part of this includes the Plough Lane project, which came before Cabinet in 2009. 

·        This report confirms the working arrangements within that framework outlined at paragraph 14, which provides a summary of the nine projects.

·        The report provides a detailed review of the issues relating to the use of the  Plough Lane site, which was taken earlier this year and confirms there is now no requirement to extend the Plough Lane site due to the changing nature of the organisation. 

·         Funding for the project has been reviewed and the savings to be made are significant, with capital available for the project.

·         Concern was raised that the projected funding had changed significantly from 2009, but was not considered as a key decision and had not been included on the Council’s forward plan.

·         Cabinet was advised that the view was taken that this was not a key decision as the decision is as a result of a previous report agreed by Cabinet.  However, it did not detract from it being an important decision.

·         Cabinet was advised that all Members would be receiving the Council’s document on the rolling programme of issues to be put before cabinet or other committees of the Council, to ensure that Members were kept abreast of the HPS planning process as a whole.

·         Concern was raised regarding some localities and the consultation with key partners, particularly Parish Councils.

·         Cabinet was reminded this was a project based around disposal and was constantly reviewed as it was integral to the organisation.  There was a requirement to have flexibility built in as the emerging needs of the organisation changed.

·         Cabinet discussed the use of the Shire Hall and the importance of retaining the Crown Court which used the building.  Cabinet went on to discuss the financial implications and the savings that would be made.

·         In response to a question Members were informed that Rotherwas had been considered as a central site for back office use, however, on analysis Plough Lane proved to be the better option.



a)    the progress made in developing the framework of the locality asset review be noted;

b)    within the proposed framework any individual decisions should take into account the results of consultation and the impact of equalities and other issues;

c)    The proposal to deliver a refurbished Plough Lane facility rather than extend the site be agreed; and

d)    The options for partner organisations to be co-located at the Plough Lane site continue to be explored.