Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/10/2011 - Cabinet (Item 129)


To provide Cabinet with an overview of performance against the Joint Corporate Plan 2011-14 for the first five months of 2011-12.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Corporate Services and Education presented the report and reminded Cabinet that this was the second of the quarterly reports to Cabinet based on the new Joint Corporate Plan.  The Assistant Director People, Policy and Partnerships took Cabinet through the report and the following points were made in discussion:

·         Corporate Services had an estimated gross savings of £1.5 m.

·         Sickness absence was below target.

·         The Council had received an unqualified opinion on both the statement of accounts for 2010/11 and the Council’s arrangements for securing value for money by the statutory deadline of 30 September 2011.

·         Improvements in the People’s Services directorate were noted.

·         Cabinet discussed in detail the areas of under performance at Appendix 2b to the report.

·         Members noted the considerable work that had been done to recruit social work staff, however there was concern at the number of agency staff still employed and the high cost this was to the authority.  In response to a question Cabinet was advised that there was a degree of support required for the newly qualified social workers.  It was added that this was a national issue and work was being done regionally to resolve it.  Careful tracking was carried out to ensure the establishment level of social workers was correct, but this could not take into account fluctuations within the service.  There was also a need to distinguish what was social work and work that could be done through other service areas.

·         In referring to page 57 of the report concern was raised on the delivery of affordable housing and whether all options had been considered.  The director for Places and Communities advised Cabinet that a broad range of issues had been examined and the authority was working closely with the housing associations though all new ideas would be fully considered.

·         In response to a question it was confirmed that there was a requirement to relocate the services provided at Garrick House to Franklin House in order for the development of the market site.  It was noted that since the move there had been double the number of local residents using the services provided.

·         In referring to recommendation (b) of the report the director for People’s Services stated there had been a rationalisation and simplification of the Joint Corporate Plan, as there had previously been a mixed picture of targets.  Targets had now been revised which would provide a clearer idea for the future.



a)    performance to the end of August 2011 and the measures being taken to address areas of under performance be noted; and

b)    proposed amendments to the Joint Corporate Plan 2011/14 in relation to Theme 2, ‘Improve health and social care’ be noted.