Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/01/2011 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 44)


To provide a briefing on the Agresso project, and the Audit implications as the system nears go-live.


The Director of Resources reminded Members that the Committee had requested an update on the Agresso project, which comes into force on the 1 April.  Jonathon Riches, who is a lead officer on the project, informed the Committee that:


  • The system would manage internal and external resources e.g. financial, material and human resources.
  • It would be used across the three organisations of Herefordshire Council, NHS Herefordshire and Herefordshire Hospitals Trust.
  • There would be two phases of testing; currently testing was on what had been built and what was expected.  This would be followed by user testing by accountants and payroll to ensure it was fit for purpose.


The following points were discussed:


  • Members raised the issue of on going system support and were reassured this would be provided by the software company.  In addition there would be an internal support team.
  • Agresso was chosen as changes to the system could be made internally to move it forward and have continual improvement.  Noting that if improvements were not customised the supplier would still continue to provide support.
  • Data from 15 systems would be brought into one.
  • It was confirmed that all users would be trained and the Chief Internal Auditor advised that as part of the audit plan the controls for Agresso would be examined and reported on.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted.