Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/01/2011 - Cabinet (Item 84)

84 JOINT CORPORATE PLAN 2011/14 pdf icon PDF 167 KB

To invite Cabinet to commend for Council’s approval the Council and NHS Herefordshire Joint Corporate Plan vision, priorities and long-term outcomes attached at appendix 1.


The Cabinet Member Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources presented the Joint Corporate Plan to Cabinet and advised that following the elections in May 2011, it was anticipated that the plan would require refreshing.


The following points were made:


  • The joint medium term financial strategy for both the Council and NHS Herefordshire endorsed the key priorities and principles of the new JCP.
  • JCP appendix 1 – 1.5 had been changed to reducing health inequalities for the working population.
  • The JCP had been to the Herefordshire Partnership management group and to the third sector partnership for their comments.
  • Cabinet agreed that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny committee were to be incorporated into the revised report to Council.
  • Comments were made by Cabinet Members that consideration be given to the inclusion within the JCP to Hereford City, broadband and public transport.
  • The Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer were to be delegated to finalise/make amendments the JCP prior to it going before Council.

RESOLVED: That Cabinet recommended to Council the approval of the Joint Corporate Plan vision, priorities and long-term outcomes as set out at Appendix 1, save that the Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer be delegated to finalise the Joint Corporate Plan and make any necessary amendments (if any) to reflect Cabinet Member comments regarding transportation and Hereford City.