Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/09/2010 - Cabinet (Item 56)


To seek approval for the publication of the Herefordshire Core Strategy:  Hereford Preferred Option paper for consultation purposes.


Additional documents:


The Leader advised Cabinet that, as the report sought approval for the publication of the Herefordshire Core Strategy: Hereford Preferred Option paper for consultation purposes, any discussion or comment on the item would need to pertain to the process of the consultation which included ensuring that all issues which needed to be consulted upon had been included.  Discussion was not to be had on the content of the Preferred Option paper.  The opportunity for an informed balanced debate would take place within the framework of the consultation process. 


The Cabinet Member Environment and Strategic Housing introduced the report and stated that:

·         this was the start of an important consultation process about the future of Hereford and Herefordshire. 

·         The proposal was based on the outcomes of consultations, public engagement and detailed work and sought to place economy and quality of life at the heart of a successful Herefordshire, which was dependent on a successful Hereford. 

·         The Preferred Option document set out a package of proposals to deliver the vision of; more and better paid jobs, increased number of homes, improved leisure and shopping and infrastructure (including the preferred option of a western route corridor for the relief road). 

·         Local media be requested to assist in publicising the consultation process.


The Strategic Delivery Manager informed Cabinet that:

·         Once adopted, the Core Strategy would set the guidance for the long term development of new homes, businesses, open space and other facilities across the county to 2026. 

·         The Preferred Option paper had been developed following consideration of evidence base and external consultation on the Place Shaping Paper (which contained a number of possible options) undertaken during early 2010. 

·         The distribution of growth and urban expansion areas outlined in the report provided an opportunity to meet the vision agreed for Hereford 2026.

·         Feedback had been received from specialist environmental consultants who undertook Sustainability Appraisals of the preferred policies and it was proposed to make minor amendments to the Preferred Option paper to reflect these findings prior to the start of the consultation process.  Habitat Regulation Assessment work was continuing and would inform the final Core Strategy.

·         The consultation process would run between 27 September 2010 and 5 November 2010. 

·         Close working with Elected Members was being undertaken to go through any concerns.

·         There had been a typographical error in the report.  The reference to the Hereford Relief Road – Study of Options August 2010 under the Background Papers heading should have stated Hereford Relief Road – Study of Options September 2010.


In discussion Cabinet:

·         Stressed the importance of ensuring that the public were aware of the consultation process and its importance to the future of Hereford and the county over the next 16 years, not least in providing a future for young people in the county.  Comments and views needed to be encouraged and the consultation needed to be actively monitored to ensure receipt of responses and that it received active publicity. 

·         Emphasised that Elected Members had a role to play in encouraging good  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56