Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/09/2010 - Cabinet (Item 54)


To provide Cabinet with an overview of performance against the Joint Corporate Plan 2010-13 for the first quarter of 2010-11 using content from Performance Plus (P+), the electronic performance management system being used by Herefordshire Public Services.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Corporate Customer Services and Human Resources presented the report which provided an overview of performance against the Joint Corporate Plan 210-13 for the first quarter of 2010-11.  Cabinet was advised that the report used content from Performance Plus (P+), the electronic performance management system being used by Herefordshire Public Services, which was still in the process of being fully integrated.  Future reports would be refined and re-designed to include meaningful indicator descriptions and more timely data. 


The Head of Policy and Performance advised Cabinet that the report was a transitional one, as previous reports reported performance against the Annual Operating Statement, whilst this and future reports outlined how the Council managed performance against the Joint Corporate Plan via P+.  The majority of indicators at the end of quarter one were on track to achieve target and a further report, outlining the mid year position, would be presented to Cabinet in October.


Responding to a question on the funding of the flood alleviation scheme, the Director of Sustainable Communities advised Members that the scheme remained a planned commitment for AWM during 2010/11 – 2011/12.  The financial support committed from AWM was second only to the scheme to redevelop Birmingham New Street Station.  The Council was currently awaiting a suitable outcome of the Compulsory Purchase Inquiry, the results of which would be expected in November 2010.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


(a)   noted the performance to the end of June 2010 and the measures being taken to address areas of under-performance, noting that a more comprehensive report will be presented in October; and


(b)   noted the recommendations of Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review the indicators in the Local Area Agreement, and that the opportunity be taken to review the indicators and projects that are in the Joint Corporate Plan 2010-13, using the forthcoming review of the Joint Corporate Plan 2010-13 to do this.