Issue - meetings

Joint Capital and Asset Management Strategy 2010-13

Meeting: 16/12/2010 - Cabinet (Item 77)


To approve the Joint Capital and Asset Management Strategy (JCAMS) for 2010-2013.

Additional documents:


The Head of Financial Services presented the report to Cabinet and reminded Cabinet that it was a joint strategy for both the Council and NHS Herefordshire for the approach to capital investment and disposal over the short and long term to deliver core service priorities. 


Cabinet discussed the following points:


  • The priorities for Herefordshire both current and future.
  • Noted that the assessment of assets and joint management approach by Herefordshire was a forerunner at to how other authorities would need to proceed in the future.
  • In assessing assets held by the authority, it was noted that some buildings were old and would require considerable maintenance and in line with this the authority needed to be mindful of its requirement to reduce its carbon footprint.
  • Cabinet was reminded that Herefordshire was a net beneficiary of business rates and any changes to the scheme could have considerable impact for the county.
  • This local government settlement only covers a two year period.  Any proposal to change the business rates scheme was currently out for consultation.  Herefordshire would be asking questions on the proposals through the consultation process to try to ensure a sound system was brought in place of the current system.
  • Cabinet was reminded that not only salaries in the county were low, but also profit levels of some businesses.
  • Following reference to the new livestock market and the interest by those companies wishing to relocate to the units available, Cabinet was advised there was a mixture of current companies wishing to relocate and new companies wishing to take up units to make the new market the agricultural hub for the county.
  • Cabinet was reminded that it was clear through the local government settlement that funds would not be available for capital programmes and therefore, funding needed to be found through asset disposal.
  • In referring to capital costs in locality working, Cabinet was advised this would be looked at on a case by case basis and through the recycling of assets.
  • Discussion was held on the Localities Bill and the issues that would be raised because of it.  A request was made that further information on the bill be provided to Members at the earliest opportunity.

RESOLVED: That the Joint Capital and Asset Management Strategy be approved.