Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/06/2010 - Cabinet (Item 37)


To report end-year performance for 2009-10 against the Council’s key indicators and associated projects and programmes in its Annual Operating Statement 2009-10.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources presented the report and reminded Cabinet of the loss of grant funding that was expected due to the current economic situation.  The Cabinet Member advised that it would be difficult to achieve targets, but it was important to continue to monitor performance.


The Head of Policy and Performance stated the year end report measured progress achieved against the annual operating report.  He referred to the key points summary and advised that the rate of improvement was slowing and the authority had to get better at setting challenging yet intelligent targets.  Cabinet reviewed the key considerations in relation to each of the themes and noted paragraph 8 Local Area Agreement and the childhood obesity target which had previously been miss reported and the figure was increasing rather than decreasing.


In referring to the summary of progress Cabinet was advised that it was a mixed picture and the figures lacked consistency or steady improvement.  The weakest indicators were in organisational improvement.  The report would be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 2 July 2010.


In discussion Cabinet noted:


  • The affect the loss of Local Area Agreement grant funding would have on some areas.  However, targets were still relevant and the authority was still looking to achieve targets even though funding was no longer available.
  • National Indicators for the unemployed, the Cabinet Member Economic Development and Community Services advised that this must be viewed in context as there had been 75,000 jobs lost in the West Midlands region.
  • Stronger Communities – affordable housing it was noted that officers were looking for innovative ways to gain European funding.
  • To monitor the Key Stage 1 and 2 SATS results for improvement or decline as there had been a decline in recent years.  It was noted this was a general decline and not particular to any one area.


The Director of Children’s Services informed Cabinet that performance overall nationally and in the counties had risen, therefore, the results were significant for Herefordshire.  He added that results had improved over the last 12 months but more work was required.



(a)        Cabinet noted performance for 2009-10;

(b)       Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider and make recommendations on the Local Area Agreement targets and priorities;

(c)        Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee to consider and make recommendations on improved performance at Key Stages 1 and 2.