Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/02/2010 - Cabinet (Item 26)


To report performance for the period April-December 2009-10 against the Council’s key indicators and associated projects and programmes in its Annual Operating Statement 2009-10.


Additional documents:


The Corporate Policy and Research Manager presented a performance report for the period April-December 2010 against the Council’s key indicators and associated projects and programmes in its Annual Operating Statement 2009/10.  Cabinet was referred to the key considerations section of the report which highlighted assessments against each of the themes.  Members were advised that, where appropriate, Directorates were working in line with the recovery plans which had been drawn up to support improvements in performance and control over spending.


In discussion Cabinet raised the following points:


  • It was pleasing to note that action plans had been implemented for all LAA indicators as reward grant depended on their achievement.  It was important to remain vigilant on the progress of targets.
  • To support NI155 (‘number of affordable homes delivered’) two further initiatives would be implemented by the Council to assist in meeting the target; the release of funding and of land.  It was expected that the impact of both initiatives would be realised within the second quarter of 2010/11.
  • It was acknowledged that sustainable improvement in educational standards was required, though it was noted that the details of performance relating to exam and SATS results related to summer 2009.


The Leader, on behalf of Cabinet, acknowledged that the meeting would be the last for Steve Martin as Corporate Policy and Research Manager prior to his departure from the authority.  The Leader expressed his thanks for the work he had undertaken in driving improvement in performance recording and management throughout the organisation as well as providing clear and coherent reports to Cabinet and Scrutiny Committees.


RESOLVED That: Cabinet considered performance to the end of December 2009 and the measures to be taken to address areas of under-performance.