Issue - meetings

Joint Corporate Property Strategy

Meeting: 18/12/2009 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Joint Corporate Property Strategy pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To approve a joint corporate property strategy (2009-2012) for the Council and NHS Herefordshire.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Resources introduced the report on the Joint Corporate Property Strategy (2009-12) which had been discussed and agreed by the Board of NHS Herefordshire (NHSH) on 17 December 2009.  It was stated that the Joint Corporate Property Strategy supported the organisational improvement and greater efficiency requirements of the Council and NHSH.  The process, key components, aims, benefits and next steps were outlined in a presentation given by the Head of Asset Management and Property Services and it was stated that such a joint approach was believed to be the first in the country.  The strategy’s vision would be delivered though a hub and spoke model, the hub being the strong shared administrative centre based at Plough Lane, the spokes being a series of co-locality offices based around the Market Towns and Golden Valley.  Other components would complement the property portfolio e.g Town Hall and Shire Hall.


In discussion Cabinet:

·         welcomed the purchase of the Plough Lane site at such a competitive price.

·         Acknowledged the future savings in CO2.

·         Recognised the opportunity for surplus land to be considered for different uses in the future.

·         Noted the maintenance costs and back log of work required on the existing property portfolio.


Responding to questions raised assurance was provided by the Director of Resources that the timing of the disposal of surplus property would be considered carefully in order to optimise the capital receipts.  The Chief Executive additionally advised Cabinet that the funding for the various projects within the programme of works was not dependent on the monies raised through the disposal programme. The Head of Asset Management and Property Services advised that the authority maintained a register of Council properties containing asbestos.




THAT: The joint corporate property strategy be approved.