Issue - meetings

Office Accommodation Strategy Options Appraisal

Meeting: 07/05/2009 - Cabinet (Item 114)

114 Office Accommodation Strategy Options Appraisal pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider a report on the Office Accommodation Strategy Options Appraisal.


The Leader, in introducing the report, proposed amendments to the recommendations as follows (amendments underlined):


·         Recommendations a-c remained unchanged.

·         Recommendation (d): ‘the Chief Executive be delegated authority to proceed with the preparation of a detailed design specification, subject to a satisfactory business case, and the development thereafter of shared office accommodation at Plough Lane’.

·         Recommendation (e): ‘the overall Accommodation Strategy, which should include the retention of the Shire Hall and Town Hall, be brought to cabinet by the end of 2009.

·         Recommendation (f) ‘proposals for the long term use of the Shire Hall and Town Hall to be brought back to Cabinet in four months time.


The Cabinet Member Resources welcomed the amendments to the recommendations which emphasised the importance of the Shire Hall and Town Hall as valued iconic buildings to be retained in the Council’s portfolio.  Members were reminded of the original decision in 2005 to progress the purchase of the Plough Lane site as part of the then current accommodation strategy, which due to changing circumstances was not implemented.  Following the recommendations of the Strategic Monitoring Committee, the consultants Knight Frank (KF) were appointed to carry out a full options appraisal on a number of specific sites, the outcome of which supported the Plough Lane site as the most beneficial in financial and deliverability terms.  Knight Frank’s options appraisals had been revised by the Council’s external financial consultants (Capital) who had deemed the KF report reasonable.  The Cabinet Member Resources stated that the Plough Lane option for shared office accommodation would provide many benefits including; improvement in service delivery, long term revenue savings, reduce carbon footprint and provide a catalyst for regeneration.  Members were advised that the current owners of the Plough Lane site had expressed an in principle agreement to sell the site (which comprised of a larger area than that discussed in 2005).


The Leader stated that local government needed to address carefully how it was going to provide quality public services in the future when government cuts in public finance occur from 2010 onwards. He said a preferred course of action would be to seek savings through efficient administration of services in the first instance before making cuts in valued public services and facilities. Cabinet was informed by the Leader that the evidence presented in the open report was substantially backed up by both the exempt and the consultant’s reports.  He expressed his thanks to the Chairman of SMC who had been made aware of the progress with the negotiations.


In discussion the following points were raised and clarified:


·         The benefits to the environment of a shared office accommodation at Plough Lane were articulated and it was stated that the wider business case for its purchasing was strong.  Procuring a site with an existing suitable office accommodation was considered to be a positive contribution to reducing the possible carbon footprint impact.

·         It was emphasised that the decision before Cabinet would be to add to the Council’s asset portfolio during a strong buyers  ...  view the full minutes text for item 114