Issue - meetings

Swimming Provision for Primary Schools in Hereford City

Meeting: 02/04/2009 - Cabinet (Item 105)

105 Swimming Provision for Primary Schools in Hereford City pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To determine the future of the LEA pool and arrangements for school swimming in Hereford. To consider the longer term requirements for swimming across the whole county.



The Leader reminded Cabinet that Swimming Provision for Primary Schools in Hereford City had been considered by Cabinet in the Autumn of 2008, and as had been agreed was being referred back for consideration by Cabinet prior to Easter 2009.


An additional report by John Argent (HALO) was tabled entitled ‘Short Term Impact on not Re-Opening the LEA Pool’, together with its appendix which outlined pool programmes.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Community Services introduced the item and drew Members’ particular attention to the findings of the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) Officer on the condition of the LEA Pool.  The ASA Officer was of the view that the costs of refurbishments were such that it would not be economically viable to invest in repairs or refurbishment of the Pool.  The tabled report outlined the impact of the LEA Pool closure and the response, both immediate and on-going, by HALO to support the provision of both school and public swimming.


The Chairman of SMC, having presented the Leader with a letter, was invited to address Cabinet and, in outlining the strategic importance of the LEA pool to the county raised a number points which included; concerns regarding the limited information provided within the report for a decision to be reached (including lack of recent financial costings); the definition of the decision as non key; the evidence to support the achievement of curriculum targets and swimming attainment; the need for assurance that availability of public swimming will not be adversely affected whilst ensuring the well being and safeguarding of children.


Responding to issues raised, the Interim Head of Culture and Leisure underlined the current poor condition of the pool, which had been verified by the ASA Officer who had visited the LEA Pool accommodation at the invitation of local residents, clubs and local members. It was stated that the LEA Pool was losing 30m3 of water per day due to a crack in the middle of the pool, the repair of which (in the form of a pool liner) would cost £200k.  The insertion of a pool liner would not guarantee increased longevity for the pool, therefore posed a financial risk. Additional works to the superstructure of the building would require additional funding. The view of the ASA Officer was that the Council should not be investing further monies into the fabric of the LEA Pool.


The Cabinet Member Economic Development and Community Services advised Cabinet that the finite resources available needed to be used effectively to deliver the best possible service for the county’s residents.  He commended the work of HALO who had been recognised by other local authorities for their partnership working.  It was acknowledged that there was work to be progressed between HALO and the authority in the short term, and in the longer term, consideration would be given to the development of the county’s cultural strategy to determine the detailed requirements for the next 15-20 years and to consider how the objectives would be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 105